
Don’t you think springtime comes with the best weather of the year? The air is still fresh (even more so because there was no air traffic the whole weekend, thank you Iceland!), it’s not too warm, the sun is gentle still….

Now that I have finished my last course (ever?) in the university and enjoying my ‘summer’ break before I start my new internship I am really happy with this weather. Last week I went for a running training with three friends, that was fun! Two of my housemates are also free this week and the next so we are enjoying the sun on our balcony in the afternoon. I also love to go outside for photography sessions, biking, walking, reading shopping…Just everything that is outside!

Last sunday, Christiaan and I went to the Veluwe. We didn’t go to the ‘official national park’, because you have to pay to park your car and entrance. Apart from that, it’s also always crowded there (especially on sunday). So screw that! We went to a little town called Garderen instead. It is situated right between Amersfoort and Apeldoorn.
The town is so beautiful!! I instantly wished I lived there. I imagine it’s quite expensive to live here though, you’d have to be quite wealthy to buy a house here. And indeed, now that I am at home and browsing the nets…houses start at 350,000 euro 🙁

The one that I would like to have costs more than 1 million….bwahaha!! (click to see the house I want)

My taste is expensive. It is my wish to live in the forest at some point in my life….I guess if I want to live like that, I’d have to go to another country. It’s just not affordable in the Netherlands, unless you want to live in Groningen or Limburg or something. My uncle in Ireland lives in the forest as well. His living room is made up entirely of glass walls. Wherever you sit, if you look around it’s like you are sitting outside in the forest. Awesome. The downside is that my uncles house lacks modern conveniences like running water (no shower, he has a big barrel outside and washes himself with rainwater), a toilet (he craps outside in his forest…yep) and a stove (he cooks on his fireplace). My uncle only payed like 10k for his land though, years ago, when real estate was still affordable.

Okay, I don’t know where this post is headed, i’m just pouring out the words on my computer.

Let me post some pictures of our walk in the Veluwe. We walked 16km and it was awesome, except for the fact that when we were about halfway, I got an enormous headache that made me feel like my head was about to explode. We had to leave our route and go straight back to Garderen. They had a pancake restaurant there (De Bonte Koe), and oh my….I had the best pancake EVER there. It was huuuuuuuge and so tasty! They gave me an aspirin and my headache vanished (thank god). The headache was kind of weird…I never have headaches normally. I think it was a combination of too much sun, too little drink and food. I only ate two slices of bread for lunch, normally I down like 4 or 6 slices. Anyhow, after the pancake, Christiaan had room left for an icecream. The insane amount of food guys can eat, I don’t understand it (I’m winking at Milla here)! The day was really enjoyable after all. The next time I hope I don’t get a headache, it would be perfect!