The World Without Us

Do you ever wonder how earth would look like if people would be extinct (or moved to another stellar dome :P)?

I wonder how quickly our cities would disintegrate and at what point trees and plants will cover our planet again.
Fortunately, there’s a book dedicated to this subject, called The World Without Us.
The World Without Us is a non-fiction book about what would happen to the natural and built environment if humans suddenly disappeared, written by American journalist Alan Weisman and published by St. Martin’s Thomas Dunne Books.

It would take decades for buildings to collapse and even longer for the waste we left behind like plastics and electronics. I wonder how long it would take for chemicals to dissapear…

There are a few cities already abandoned by humans.

One is Prypiat, Ukraine; familiar from the nuclear power plant Chernobyl. There’s a webpage full with pictures of the place.

more pictures at this website