Thank you Many thanks to everyone who liked and shared the posts on my blog and LinkedIn where I was announcing that I was searching for a new IT assignment and where I was asking people to not put me in a box. Don’t put me in a boxI’m trying
Harmful Software Collaborators Looking for bugs in code that has harmful intentions is like trying to make a shit sandwich taste good. It's futile. It's the wrong focus. I get it, it's easy to be a harmful software collaborator. Maybe you are still at a point in
The real reason we need to invent a time machine I was reading a very interesting article in The Guardian: 'All people could do was hope the nerds would fix it': the global panic over the millennium bug, 25 years on. At the turn of the millennium, I was a mere 14 years old, and did not know
Don't put me in a box I'm trying to find a new assignment as a self-employed Test Consultant, and this confronts me with some facets of job searching that I don't really enjoy. My main complaint is that most roles try to fit you into a neat little box, and I don&
The cognitive dissonance pyramid: one hell of a drug. We are all wrong from time to time, it's part of the human condition. Even smart people can be wrong. True wisdom is being able to admit you were wrong, and then actually change your mind. However, that is very difficult and mentally painful. Many people avoid it
Dear software testers, is your critical thinking ability even alive?! First, there was test automation. People who were not particularly blessed on the critical thinking (and intelligence) front thought this would solve the pesky testing problem, once and for all. Manual testing would no longer be needed. There was lots of talk about the ROI of test automation as a
My future tech utopia This is how I would like to interact with technology. It’s a mix of oldskool with a sprinkle of tech that does not yet exist. It's a utopia, so it's not realistic. Don't come at me in the comments with "trololo this
"You still look feminine", is not the compliment you think it is Let's talk about the female body. The female body is not allowed to just exist without garnering opinions from others. Surprisingly, not only from men. Women also love to comment on other women's bodies. Men love to comment on women's bodies to project their
The secret fifth level of testing The following drawing was the inspiration for my Testing RPG talk. Excuse its quality, I have never left the "drawing people as figure sticks like a toddler"-stage. I have contemplated recording the Testing RPG talk and putting it out there for everyone to see, but I share
What if, as a testing community, we’ve been hung up about the wrong thing all this time Does 2025 Maaike agree with what 2021 Maaike wrote? I found the following in my Apple Notes just now. Read it, and then I'll tell you whether I still agree with my thoughts from 4 years prior. Spoiler: it gets very real! Lots of curse words! I'
The paradox of being a decent person Everybody thinks they're a better than average driver, and everybody thinks they are a decent person. I too, would like to think that I'm a decent person. If you think I'm an awful person, you might not like reading this post because it'
Neutral Quality is too much to ask for, shitty software is the norm. As a testing community, we have failed to make software better. And let me be clear, developers have also failed. We are in the same boat here. I firmly believe that most people working in software development teams are trying their best to create a better software product, write readable
Current rotation of notebooks <3 The world may go to shit, but at least I have my lovely notebooks. Do I use handwriting as a way of coping? Hell yeah! My next two blog posts will most likely be serious or rant-y in nature, so why not have an intermission post with an innocent topic?
The great game of pretend When I wrote and published "Why Working Isn't Working for Me" last Monday, I received some direct messages from people who agreed with me, but who didn't dare to admit to it in public because they feared that they would become unemployable by saying