More of that jazz

I’m feeling productive so here goes again (in English this time). If there’s one thing not lacking in my life lately it is music in all sorts. Playing in the orchestra’s, playing for myself, performing for my grandmother with family, going to (classical) concerts, exploring new music. I’m loving it all!

Last saturday KNA had to give a performance during the jazz festival in Gorinchem. Jazz isn’t my favorite genre to play, but for the audience it’s easy listening. Our show had a lot of variety in it, from a march to Robbie Williams (one could argue whether that is jazz *cough*). The location of the concert was so beautiful, at the picturesque harbor. We were very lucky, because the weather was lovely; it couldn’t be better! Nice temperature, sunny, little wind. Too bad we played at 1 pm and the audience wasn’t big.

We started out with a march in Chicago Style. It was pretty weird to play in the outside at first, but it actually was very ‘light’ playing. It didn’t cost me as much effort to produce a nice sound as usual (we rehearse in a room with the WORST acoustics ever, but there is no alternative option). During the march we just had to find our sound, adjust to the environment. After that things went quite smooth though. It seemed that everybody was enjoying this concert. My own playing was quite messy at times, I let notes slip that were actually really easy to play. I also know why that was: lack of concentration. I am so easily distracted! This concert was pretty casual, people kept walking past and I would look at them while playing. I find it hard to shut my mind for those impulses.

We played MacArthur Park (with a beautiful solo of our trumpet player Arnel), Sam’s Dixie, Sir Duke, and lots more. After one hour our time was up and we got a free drink at a little bar. I’ve got a little joke going on with the conductor, concerning beer! After concerts he bugs me for beer, or I bug him for beer. Whoever gives the other one a beer needs to give one in return, right? This time Christiaan and I were in front of the queue (which was quite long, mind you) and he wanted a beer. Other people from the orchestra were pretending to be mad that he skipped the queue, but hey, I gave him a beer and got a beer out of it in the end as well. And a lovely beer it was, well deserved after the concert I think!

Kudos to Christiaan for the pictures he made during the concert 🙂

Christiaan and I decided to jump in the car and drive away from town for awhile. At first we strolled through town but we both noticed we were fed up with the crowds and wanted to go somewhere quieter. The area we grew up in is really beautiful; it’s funny how you start to notice those things when you move away to the city. I knew a spot nearby the river, where I also once camped with my friend Lynette (that was fun!). It wasn’t crowded at all here, and the weather was so amazing. I love spring so much. The temperature is still nice, not too hot to fry you alive. A gentle breeze played with our hair. Too bad I was wearing my heels, so we couldn’t really go for an off-road stroll. We took some pictures from the river and from ourselves. It was so nice! We talked and talked and felt at peace and connected. Lovely afternoon 🙂