In trance with Wolves

I could barely remember when I went to a metal gig for the last time. That was bad! The last time I went to a metal gig, the same band played: Wolves In The Throne Room. It was way back in May, and they played in Utrecht. This time the American post-eco-black metal-whatever you want to call it-formation played in Nijmegen, Doornroosje venue. I like Doornroosje a lot, it has atmosphere and charm.

We arrived just in time for the band. There was a crowd, but we could easily stand up front and still had plenty of space. Like I expected from the Wolves, they ignored the crowd mostly. They came on stage and took their time to lit candles and burn incense. That reminds me a little of the Agalloch shows. Wolves use even more incense. I like it, it smells like a forest. I turned to one of my friends to express my wish for their female singer to once attend their live shows. Alas, she is never present, but I would so love to hear a song like A Looming Resonance live.

They opened with one of my favorites: Ahrimanic Trance:

At once I was swept away by the aggression and violence with which they played. I was standing straight in front of the singer, and could clearly see how he pulled himself into the music. I was experimenting myself by NOT putting in earplugs. Well, we were standing next to the speakers and I can tell you: it was loud….When the band was halfway through their second song I was feeling dizzy and kind of queasy so I decided to put in my earplugs. That felt a lot better, but diminished the immersing experience a little.

Which songs they played after the first one, I honestly wouldn’t know. The second song was my least favorite. They slow part was a little too long and it didn’t connect for me. I think they played Crystal Ammunition as well, but I’m not sure. Google failed me here, because I searched but couldn’t find a setlist anywhere!
Ah it doesn’t really matter what they played. For me, it is all about the feeling. I remember the first time I saw Wolves….vividly. I had to cry and became very emotional. The same thing only happens to me when I listen to classical music. I love black metal because it can awake the same feelings as classical music in me. I don’t know why though. Maybe it is because of the chords they use, the atmosphere, the repetition….I feel like I’m in a trance, in this higher state of consciousness…It’s hard to explain really!

The Wolves got me in a trance this time again. I loved their show, but it was way too short. Seriously, they played 4 songs in little under an hour. I think they should play at least 1,5 hours. I was slightly bewildered when the show ended, because I had expected them to play longer.
Nevertheless, it was a great show again, and I wouldn’t want to have missed it.

NB for Facebookreaders: this is a post with YouTube shyte. Read it here