Food Inc - Official Trailer [HD]

I really wonder if this movie is worth watching.
The trailer alone is really ‘American’ if you ask me.
Although, I must admit, because this trailer is so American, the movie appeals to me more.
I’m fascinated in the way American movies/documentaries are set up.
Introduction –> The problem gets introduced
Lots of footage and commentaries about how BAD and BIG the problem is

But then….

There is the solution of the problem, which has always something to do with the American spirit. The American people are capable of anything, solving any problem! They relish freedom, hard and honest work, the truth. The history of the making of the US is still valid! The Americans of today have the same spirit as their Founding Fathers. Everything will be solved!

Okay, I’m maybe overreacting a little here, but that’s the feeling I ususally get from watching American movies/docu’s. After watching them, you are left with a feeling of hope, while in fact, nothing changes.

Some reactions on the trailer on YouTube: blaim the industries.
That’s such a fallacy! The industries are made by people. The way people blame the industries is so unreal, it’s almost like they believe the industries are entities on their own. No wonder so little changes in the food industry, as long people are blaming it without realising people are making those industries, funding those industries….

Ugh, I’m having a hard time trying to explain what I think about all this, I don’t think in Dutch I could’ve explained it any better.

Bottomline is this (and I think the documentary will reach the same conclusion): as long as customers buy ‘bad’ products, the food industry will supply them. It’s a simple matter of demand and supply. (I know it’s more complicated than this, in fact, with the food industries having a big say in politics because they have so much money and thus influence…)…

Maybe the bottomline is that everything is so complicated and there is no truth. Everything is shady.

Sorry people, it’s too early in the morning and I just had my hair dyed. Maybe the dye leaked into my brain.