First Sketchnote Attempt!

I remember going to the Agile Testing Days last year and seeing several people working on the big sketchnote of the conference. I was really impressed by their drawing skills and thought “wow, I could never do that”.

I decided to get into sketchnoting as well. I went to a half-day workshop on Visual Thinking here at my client and it was so much fun! They taught us some basic tips and tricks to get into sketchnoting. I still think I’m not good at all, but all you can do is practice, practice, practice.

So, here are my first attempts at skechnoting. I made them at the TED-style knowledge sharing event at my company Xebia. TED talks have the advantage that they are quite short, so you only have limited information to go from.

Not all my notes succeeded, I particularly struggled with the one on 8-bit retro gaming. I do think this is a skill I want to invest more in. I think it’s a great add-on to my communication toolbelt.

Tips and tricks are welcome!

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