Cherish the public library

Knowledge should be accessible for everyone

To “live sensibly” (my life motto) means, among other things, searching for antidotes to modern living1.

One of the easiest antidotes available to us: books. You can lose yourself in a beautifully crafted story or learn about something that interests you. But before you run to the bookstore, please consider joining your local public library2.

I became a member of my local library two years ago because they opened at a new location in a beautiful old building that has been carefully restored. I felt so at peace just being there that I instantly decided to become a member. Not having to purchase every book I wanted to read was a nice bonus.

Utrecht library at the Neude (city center)

It’s not just books you can borrow at your local library. You can read magazines, you can rent audio books and e-books. Furthermore, most of them organize activities, give computer access to people who don’t have it at home, provide a safe space for people who don’t have a home (during the day at least). They make knowledge accessible for everyone, and I can’t overstate how important I feel that is in our current day and age.

You should really cherish your local library because they are about preserving culture.

If you’re not already a member, please consider becoming one. Even if you don’t feel like making use of the membership, know that your money supports the existence of this important institution.

Happy reading!

Are you a member of the library?

1 Modern living is too much about the hustle, being productive, work, being online, producing content, being obsessed with being useful