Black Metal

Okay, black metal as it was in the old days may be dead (and I surely wasn’t a fan back in the day, because I was a little nine year old girl and probably fan of the Spice Girls), but today I can still enjoy the noise that the first and second wave of black metal brought forth.
The whole black metal scene can also be ridiculed, and it should be, because nothing is scarier than people who take themselves to serious!
Look at how cute Frost looked back in 1999!

Burzum has been released from prison and I’m wondering what he’s up to. Is he going to release new music? According to his website he will, and he’ll also write a book! I just hope he is done with burning down churches and killing people. He does look like a rather happy fellow these days, seeing him smile merrily like on this picture. Not as tr00 looking as in his old days!

For the sheer fun of it, lets take a look at some more ridiculous pictures. It’s 1 a.m. in the night, I’m wide awake, too distracted to be able to read a book and in the mood for black metal funstuff!

Kings of idiocracy are of course, Immortal!

They made looking like idiots their main objective in life! I remember rolling on the floor with laughter because of this YouTube vid. PERFECT ridicule!

And with that, I am going to try and get some sleep.
Later this day the FortaRock Festival in Nijmegen is taking place.
I’m going there to see Satyricon, Meshuggah, Candlemass, Heidevolk, Delain, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Death Angel…and I’m probably forgetting some others!
I’m skipping the last band The Devil’s Blood for sure though. They were playing before Wolves In The Throne Room earlier in february this year, and God, THEY SUCKED.