Beatrixpark, Utrecht

Utrecht Lunetten is certainly not the center of the action in Utrecht, BUT: it has a great park and a forest close-by. The park is not on of those parks that is kept neat, they mow the grass only once a year. I wanted to take pictures of the park in its ‘wild state’, because I love it a lot more that way. At one point the grass is so high you can hide yourself in it completely and no one will know that you’re there.

I took the pictures last Thursday after work while the sun was still shining. I’m not really happy with how they turned out, but that’s because I didn’t put enough effort in photographing this time. I didn’t really think about it at the time, but I was walking around with ‘I want to get this done’ and not really feeling the good ‘mood’. It didn’t help that I was hungry for dinner either and it shows!

Lots of the pictures were unsharp, I mean wtf. It takes effort to make unsharp pictures with a DSLR camera, but I managed to fuck up lots of ’em. I was tweaking with the settings for a low-light situation and then I didn’t change the settings back so most overview shots were way too light! I can slap myself in the face for that now, but anyways. Here are some pictures that I do like…sort of…