Back to some golden habits

Back to some golden habits

Back when I was still studying I used to be really into sports and healthy living. Not that I have let go of these values completely, but I didn’t really exercise regularly anymore. And I also am not a vegan anymore these days, I eat fish (but still no meat).

I don’t want to go back to the habits I used to had completely, because I was a bit obsessed. When I didn’t work out at least 4 times a week, I would feel guilty. Whenever I ate something ‘unhealthy’, I would feel guilty. I am so glad to not suffer from these feelings anymore. They make life hard and for what reason…it’s just some bullshit rule I made up myself.

I did start to miss some of the things I used to do. One of them was yoga. I used to love yoga during my study. It was like a key to peace and quiet in my mind, which is rare. And it was really hard at the same time, but so good for the body to stretch and create more strength. So rewarding to do! Why did I stop?? I don’t even know, but more than 5 years have passed since I practised yoga. A couple of weeks ago I started to search for nice yoga schools in my neighbourhood and I have found the perfect one. It’s a  small yoga studio located in the city centre of Utrecht. The studio has only one room, so you know you have intimate classes. I made the mistake to go to a power yoga class for the first time, that was a bit too hard. But even there, I sensed what I had missed from yoga. A feeling of being relaxed, of doing something good for my body. The week after that I went to a vinyasa yoga class and this is more my style. Power yoga is really tough, vinyasa yoga isn’t that fast. Meditating was also a relief again. I had forgotten the power of it. After yoga class, I feel hyper-alert. So yeah, I’m really happy to get back into it and this time I want to keep it up.

One thing I was also really into a couple years back was ‘superfood’. I used to eat part of my daily foods ‘raw’ and also used to eat Vega. Vega is a supplement that you can mix with water and drink. It contains 50% of daily vitamins, minerals, protein, veggies….whatever you need. Back then I was a vegan and it was sort of a nice thing to eat and know you would never lack any vitamins. But recently I ordered a batch of Vega again from iHerb. The stuff isn’t available in any store in NL and that’s a shame. Vega, as the name says it, is completely plant-based, so a safe choice for vegetarians and vegans. I know why I stopped eating Vega back then: it was too bloody expensive for me to afford as a student. I remember thinking “I’ll start buying it again once I have a full-time job”, but I never remembered to do so until now. And it really makes me happy that now I can afford all that stuff. And it also makes me happy that again I am not obsessed with food, but can enjoy eating how I like.


So, now I feel I am back on a track that I enjoy. More exercise and more healthy foods.