Bachelor Thesis: Last Update

I turned in my thesis yesterday!! I’m so glad it’s all done now, and I do hope the grade will be somewhat decent. In the end, Misha helped me with correcting my paper and I’m very grateful for that. I completely messed up the tenses, using present and past tense in the same senctence for example…Took 4 hours to correct that in the whole paper!

Officially I’m free from school now until September, but I’m still quite busy. Working a lot the next few weeks to earn some money. I’ll be going to London, Copenhagen, and Greece (with my parents). Going to fly three times, like some decadent rich bitch! I almost feel ashamed for flying three times; ruining the environment and all that….

More tasks are waiting to be done. I’m way behind on cd-reviews for Also, the magazine for my orchestra has to be made (by me, in InDesign). On top of that, my training schedule for the Dam tot Dam-running event has started this week, which means that for the next 2,5 months I’ll be running 3 or 4 times per week.

It’s good to be busy, but I’ve got to find a balance between all the ‘to-do’s’ and relaxing. Last weekend was very nice. I was busy and relaxed, as I was on a mini-tour in Zeeland with one of my orchestra’s. I’ll be reporting about that in the next post (with pictures).