
Hi, I’m Maaike, the author of this website. I test software, and I help people improve their lifestyle as a nutrition & strength training coach. I love writing, and I hope you enjoy reading the stories and blogs on my website. I own the company Sensibly together with my partner Oliver Verver. I also enjoy speaking about testing at conferences and meetups. My main topics are holistic testing, exploratory testing, and psychology in testing.

Although I like technology, I plan a lot of analogue time in my life. I'm a fountain pen and Hobonichi planner enthusiast. I love walking, especially in mountains. Sadly, the Netherlands don’t have any of those, so I usually go to Scotland to get my ‘mountain-fix’. I appreciate spending quality time with my friends and family. I like to practice powerlifting four times a week to get strong. On top of that, I’m a bookworm. So instead of gazing at my phone, I’m probably gazing at my Kindle.

If you want to contact me directly, best shoot me an email: maaike@sensibly.nl

I'm active on Mastodon, you can follow me there.

Me during a powerlifting competition